Minema Mod uses FFmpeg to encode captured frames into standard codecs / containers.
You can find FFmpeg Arguments by going to Mods -> Minema -> Encoding
Learn more about DNxHR in Video Codec Selection
-f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -vf %DEFVF% -c:v dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_sq -pix_fmt yuv422p %NAME%.mov
PNG Sequence
-f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -vf %DEFVF% -start_number 0 %NAME%_%04d.png
- Suffix
includes a number format, which formats it to 4 digit number with leading numbers, starts0000
and ends at9999
, and when it passes 9999, FFmpeg will stop encoding new frames & stop the recording. - To change the number of digits, change the number
. - By default, FFmpeg starts IMG sequence output frame counter at number
, which basically yeets 1 potential frame that could be stored in single recording1… anyway, in this command, we overwrite to0
AVC (H.264)
Folder: AVC (H.264)
x264; slow; crf 23; yuv420p
-f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -vf %DEFVF% -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 23 -b:v 0 %NAME%.mov
-||- max/buf 8 Mbit/16Mbit
Ideal for sharing over Discord (I consider 8Mbit to be max comfortable bitrate for Discord)
-f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -vf %DEFVF% -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 23 -b:v 0 -maxrate 8M -bufsize 16M %NAME%.mov